Thursday, March 28, 2013


My Veterinarian at The Morton Grove Animal Hospital has issued the following warning:

Recently, the EPA has prohibited the use of long-acting anticoagulant rodenticides (rat/mouse poisons that prevent blood from clotting, causing whoever consumes them to bleed to death). While this ban seems favorable at first glance, the concern is that the new poison, BROMETHALIN, will likely have scarier consequences.

With the older anticoagulant rodenticides, we have time (days) to diagnose and treat your pet. With BROMETHALIN, neurological signs such as depression, seizures, and coma may be seen within 2-24 hours, depending on how much your pet ate. THERE IS NO ANTIDOTE!!!

The most important part of treating BROMETHALIN toxicity is decontamination – making your pet vomit, ideally within 10-15 minutes of ingestion, then giving several does of activated charcoal over 24 hours. Once neurological signs start, hospitalization on IV fluids and medications aimed at decreasing swelling in the central nervous system are necessary. But even this aggressive treatment is no guarantee of a positive outcome.

Because of this new toxin, its extremely important to be aware of your pets surroundings!!! If your pets come in contact with anything your veterinarian immediately!!! and if your veterinarian is not available...have a back up Emergency Veterinarian Hospital on hand! Also, know where they are.

This is very important information! Please pass it on to every pet owner you know!
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact me at or

Monday, March 11, 2013

Why Do Our Pets Itch?

Does your pet scratch or lick themselves raw? Something is irritating them, and its up to you to determine if a trip to the veterinarian is in order. There are many causes as to what is irritating your pets skin, and since we are coming into spring I thought I would mention a few common causes that can cause your pets discomfort.
Allergies are one the most common ailments sited by major pet insurance companies deal with when treating cats and dogs. Much like humans, Allergens absorbed though the skin, inhaled or swallowed will cause hypersensitivity reactions in the skin, also known as "atopic dermatitis" or "atopy". Symptoms include redness in the paws, face, groin, flanks, armpits and ears, excessive licking, scratching and chewing. Since we are heading into spring, the common cause can be attributed to upgraded pollen count.
Fleas...dreaded fleas...when a flea bites, its saliva is injected into the hosts skin and acts like a potent allergen. Not sure if its fleas? you can do this simple test to rule these blood suckers out. Place your pet in the bathtub, or a counter in the sitting position. Next, rub your pets lower back and tail up and down with your fingers, if you notice flea droppings, which are basically little specks of flea digested blood from your pet, you now have a flea problem. The good news is mild infestations can be treated by your veterinarian. Heavy infestations will require that your home to be treated as well.
Food Allergies are also very common and can happen at any age. Have you recently changed your pets food? Have you noticed redness, hair loss or lesions? If you have, the only way to diagnose food hypersensitivity is by employing a strict elimination diet, which your veterinarian will be able to help you with. Food can either be prepared at home or purchased with your veterinarian. You will also need to eliminate all treats and table scraps from their diet for 10-12 weeks. Be cautious with pet foods labeled "hypoallergenic"...many of these brands have tested positive for items not suitable for diet trials. All of these probable causes to your pets itching and irritation can lead to more serious complications such as Staph Infections or Yeast Infections. If you suspect anything out of the normal, please consult your veterinarian immediately.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, and as always leave on comment!